Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oracle 11gR2 ( Installation - Database software

This is the 2nd in my series of Oracle11gR2 installations, focusing now on the installation of the database or RDBMS software for having already installed the Grid Infrastructure component per my previous post here. If you don't want to install the Grid Infrastructure and use ASM (and Oracle Restart) that is fine, go ahead and skip that first article. In such a case I assume you would be using file systems (perhaps with dNFS which is a post for another time).

Here again, I will be using the command line approach since this is an easy way to have everything scripted and automated (and not require a GUI). I'll show the parameters that need to be adjusted, but if you are not comfortable then I'd suggest doing an initial GUI installation, saving that response file when prompted and then using the saved response file as your gold image for further scripted installations. Note that in the below I use RDBMS_HOME instead of ORACLE_HOME to make the distinction between the actual database home and the grid infrastructure home.

See my previous post here

1. If this is your first installation, then you will want to create the '/etc/oraInst.loc' file, as the root user:

Note: This is optional since you will be prompted at the end of the installation to run $ORACLE_BASE/../oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh which does this for you if this files does not exist.

echo "inventory_loc=/oracle/app/oraInventory
> /etc/oraInst.loc
chown oracle:dba /etc/oraInst.loc
chmod 664 oraInst.loc

2. Edit the DB response file, 'db_inst.rsp' for the values as show below:


3. Run the DB installation (using responsefile and silent installation) as the oracle user:

Note: Ensure you set your DISPLAY environment variable, or you are at run level 5, otherwise you will encounter an error.

./runInstaller -silent -noconfig -responseFile /home/oracle/rsp/db_inst.rsp

4. As the root user run '$RDBMS_HOME/root.sh' when the above completes as prompted.

5. As the oracle user, create an OCM response file. This saves a lot of time later down when you are prompted for those values. Simple run the following and follow the instructions to create and save the response file:


6. Apply the latest OPatch patch (MOS patch ID 6880880), then the latest PSU to this installation as the oracle user. Simple unzip the OPatch patch to the $RDBMS_HOME. For the PSU, unzip to a temporary location, navigate to the patch location and run:

$RDBMS_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply -ocmrf /home/oracle/rsp/ocm.rsp 

7. Apply patch 12431716 (as required by PSU 2) by unzipping to a temporary location, change to the patch directory and as oracle user running: 

$RDBMS_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply -ocmrf /home/oracle/rsp/ocm.rsp

At this point you have fully prepared GI and RDBMS software installations with a ready listener and two disk groups. Now you can create a new database, or migrate an exiting database. I'll leave the new installation to another post in which I'll show how to use DBCA and a template to do it silently, without a GUI.