Wednesday, March 08, 2023

What is a landing zone and why you should be using one

Cloud computing has become so common place that the question is no longer “should?”, but “why not?”. Now as you, like so many others, begin your journey to the cloud, trying to decipher the many technical terms and jargon, and ensuring you follow best practices for security, cost efficiency and operations, you will likely come across the term, “landing zone”. So what is a landing zone, and why would I need one? A landing zone is a best practice in cloud computing for establishing a secure and well-architected foundation that can help you scale and manage your cloud environment effectively. You can definitely get started without one, get your services up and running and be productive. But unless you are a one-person shop, you are more typically going to run into challenges at some point, and start asking questions like:

  • How do I better isolate my environments for improved security and protection from mistakes?
  • How do I provide the appropriate access to persons, making sure they have the right access level, to the right things?

There are several reasons why a landing zone is important when starting out in cloud computing:

  1. Security: A landing zone provides a secure foundation for your cloud environment by establishing security controls and best practices from the outset. This helps to reduce the risk of security breaches, data leaks, and other security incidents.

  2. Compliance: A landing zone can help you meet compliance requirements for your industry or region, by establishing policies and controls that are specific to your compliance needs.

  3. Scalability: A landing zone provides a scalable foundation that can grow with your cloud environment. By establishing a set of repeatable patterns and configurations (or blueprints), you can reduce the time and effort required to deploy new workloads and applications in your cloud environment.

  4. Cost optimization: A landing zone can help you optimize costs by establishing cost controls and best practices from the outset. By implementing cost optimization strategies early on, you can avoid common cost pitfalls and ensure that your cloud environment is cost-effective over the long term.

  5. Management and governance: A landing zone can help you establish management and governance policies that are specific to your business needs. By creating a set of standardized practices for deploying and managing resources in your cloud environment, you can ensure that your environment is consistent, well-organized, and easy to manage.

Overall, a landing zone provides a foundation for a secure, compliant, scalable, and cost-effective cloud environment. It can help you get started with cloud computing on the right foot and avoid common pitfalls and challenges that can arise in cloud environments.

If you found this useful, please follow along as I will provide future posts on the details of a landing zone, such as AWS Control Tower, custom, third-party, and provide some lessons learned.

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