Friday, April 13, 2012

WebLogic Server (WLS) Installation

I was going to this blog entry under my OID series but it occured to me that it made more sense to do a generic installation blog post instead given WLS is used by OID, OEM and many other components with which I've used and the only difference would be the WLS version used. The installation process is the same for 10.3.4 to 10.3.6. I can't vouch for other versions since I've not used prior versions and 12c is a bit different. So without further ado here is the install process, first the usual command line silent installation and then the GUI method.

Common Step - JDK Installation

1. Install a certified version of JDK to use. In the case of WLS 10.3.5 this would be JDK 1.6.0_24

For Oracle JRocket (required a GUI):

chmod +x jrockit-jdk1.6.0_24-R28.1.3-4.0.1-linux-x64.bin

For Sun JDK:
chmod +x jdk-6u24-linux-x64.bin

2. I like to setup the environment for the installation process, specfiically calling out the location of the Java version to use. This would be required if you have multiple Java installations and you want to ensure the correct location/version is used.

export JAVA_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/jdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Method 1: Command Line Silent Installation

1. Build or edit the "silent.xml" file as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Silent installer option -mode=silent -silent_xml=/u01/app/stage/silent.xml -->
<!-- Specify values for each data-value name as follows:
BEAHOME - Complete pathname to the Middleware Home directory that will contain this installation.
WLS_INSTALL_DIR - Complete pathname to the product installation directory in which to install WebLogic Server.
COMPONENT_PATHS - Components and subcomponents to be installed. To install multiple components, separate the components with a bar (|). To install subcomponents, specify a component/subcomponent combination. For example, to install Core Application Server, use "WebLogic Server/Core Application Server".
INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE - Install Node Manager as a Windows service. The default is "no". Requires Administrator privileges.
NODEMGR_PORT - Node Manager listen port number. If none specified, installer uses default port 5556.
INSTALL_NODE_MANAGER_SERVICE - must be set to "yes".
INSTALL_SHORTCUT_IN_ALL_USERS_FOLDER - The Windows Start menu folder in which you want the Start menu shortcuts created. The user performing the installation must have Administrator privileges to install the shortcuts in the All Users folder. Possible values: true/yes The shortcuts are created in the All Users folder (default) false/no The shortcuts are created in the local user's folder
BEA_BUNDLED_JVMS - Option to select BEA bundled JVMS (for e.g. either jrockit_160_05 or jdk160_05 for Windows and Linux platforms). The default value is all BEA bundled JVMs for selected platform.
LOCAL_JVMS - Option to select supported JVM, which is already installed. Note: The presence of either(BEA_BUNDLED_JVMS or LOCAL_JVMS) or both of these tokens negates any default selection and only sets the values assigned for these tokens as user selection. The value of the token can be a pipe ('|') separated JavaHomes. -->
<data-value name="BEAHOME" value="/u01/app/oracle/fmw" />
<data-value name="WLS_INSTALL_DIR" value="/u01/app/oracle/fmw/wlserver_10.3" />
<data-value name="COMPONENT_PATHS" value="WebLogic Server/Core Application Server|WebLogic Server/Administration Console|WebLogic Server/Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework|WebLogic Server/Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server|WebLogic Server/WebLogic SCA|WebLogic Server/WebLogic JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/Third Party JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Server Clients|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Web Server Plugins|WebLogic Server/UDDI and Xquery Support|Oracle Coherence/Coherence Product Files" />
<data-value name="LOCAL_JVMS" value="/u01/app/oracle/jdk"/>

Save the file in the same location as the installation program ("/u01/app/stage" in my case).

2. Run the installation as the oracle user:

cd /u01/app/stage/
java -d64 -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar wls103x_generic.jar -mode=silent -silent_xml=/u01/app/stage/silent.xml

Extracting 0%....................................................................................................100%
Jan 24, 2012 3:10:29 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$2 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.

Method 2: GUI Installation

1. Run the installation as the oracle user:

For Oracle JRocket:
java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar wls103x_generic.jar

For Hybrid Oracle/Sun JDK:
java -d64 -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar wls103x_generic.jar


2. Choose the location of middleware home:


3. Optionally register for security updates. I tend to decline since this is not production, but feel free.




It requires internet access so if you don't have, you should decline otherwise you will be greeted with the message below (you can also setup your proxy access here as well):


4. Select "Typical" installation. If you want to be a bit more specific in the components select "Custom" but ensure all the expected components are installed as expected by the application.


5. Next up is the JDK select screen. The installation will detect the available JDK versions on your server if you have multiple versions and allow you to select the appropriate version. Select the correct version.


6. Specify the product installation directories:


7. You are presented with an installation summary where you can review what products will be installed:


8. Following is the actual installation process where you can view the progress:


9. Following a successful installation the completion screen is shown. Deselect the option to run the Quickstart process and you have completed your WLS installation:
